Examination Programme:
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87th STO Course |
This course is designed to train In-service Fire Service Personnel who are incharge of the fire station or likely hold independent charge of fire station. After completion of course, they will be able to:
Total Course Duration: 25 weeks
Training Period: 23 weeks
Practical Attachment: 2 weeks
In-take capacity: 60 per batch
Age Limit: Not more than 50 years as on the last date of receipt of application of the course. Initially (till Dec, 2027) five years relaxation in age limit may be given for candidates above 50 years as on date to complete the course.
Departmental Institute/Organization: Central Government/State Government Department, Local Bodies, PSUs (State/Central), Government Autonomous bodies.
Eligibility Criteria:
1) Departmental Nominated Candidate: The candidate shall have passed Sub-Officers’ course from NFSC / State or Regional Training Centre.
2) Directly Recruited Candidate: Graduated from any recognized university (Syllabus and Training curriculum of NFSC shall be different for these candidates). These candidates shall be recruited directly by State Public Service Commission or through Statutory Recruitment Board as Group-B officers and above in Fire Services.
1) Departmental Nominated Candidate: Shall have 2 years regular service as Sub-Officer or higher post. OR 5 years regular service as Leading Fireman or Driver-cum-Pump Operator or higher post.
2) Directly Recruited Candidate: No Experience is required for candidates directly recruited through State Public Service Commission or through Statutory Recruitment Board as Group-B officers and above in Fire Services.
DRIVING LICENSE: The candidate shall possess valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving License as on date of application and shall be valid till the completion of Station Officers Course.
Refer “Rules for Admission: Professional Training Programs” for details.
Syllabus Content:
Paper I: FIRE PREVENTION a. Building Construction & Structural Protection b. Fixed Fire Fighting Installations c. Fire Hazards in Special Risk areas & Fire Protection d. Investigation of Fire e. Plan Reading f. Fire Prevention Inspection Procedure g. Fire Protection Survey
Paper II: FIRE EXTINCTION a. Air Crash Fire & Rescue b. Rural & Forest Fire c. Special Appliances d. Foam & Foam Making equipment e. Practical Firemanship f. Ship Fire
Paper III: SCIENCE a. Air Conditioning & Refrigeration b. Physics & Chemistry of Combustion c. Electricity d. Internal Combustion Engine e. Hydraulics f. Explosives g. Fire Extinguishers h. Hose, Hose Fittings, Hydrants and Water Supply i. Water & Water Relay
Paper IV: GENERAL a. Fire Service Administration b. Discipline c. Fire Service Communication d. Salvage e. First Aid & Ambulance Aid f. Resuscitation g. Breathing Apparatus h. Pumps i. Water Tender j. Special Services k. Ladders l. Small Gear
I: a. Ladders b. Water Tender
II: a. Pump & Operations b. Foam & Foam Equipment
III: a. Breathing Apparatus b. First Aid & Ambulance c. Resuscitation
IV: a. Extinguisher b. Special Appliances c. Ropes, Lines and Knots
V: a. Hose b. Small Gears c. Rescue Drill
VI: Standard Test a. Extinguishers b. Water Tender c. Pump d. Hose e. Ladder f. B.A. Set g. Hydraulic Pressure Test